
W.H Auden “Stop all the clocks…”

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.



Love once given us

Love once given us .. As a unique opportunity. At least in the form that will not ever seen before. And tors what to do? Rather than live it? What to do? The drag here and there killing the ... Divide in moments corpses, killed in hours that will bury us, inside the caves is us, the caves where freedom is born of desire. We are called to manage the love that is given us and all we see is the so-called love we give and expect to manage the other We stay in the same without wishing to see how liberating it is to live with him who listens to hear - your love sees your eyes, live on your breath .and it comes to flinch to get lost and stay there in the gaps themselves. I saw you once in my dream. You had come unexpectedly says. We were at home so I love because all I had was you. Only  you. Your skin had that aroma still smell in my heart. We had arms and were trying to dream as you ... Do you remember? I knew that this dream will be lost but I did not care. You were there beside me. In felt and that was sufficient. Both hot as always. Tender and true as you were always. My longing to feel your lips once again light in my darkness ... Call me a hug to those endless nights that we were looking desperately one mouth else to steal the breath for a little common life .And approached me ... and your breath caressed with such old ... and for a while kissing me with loved again and again hated even more than any other time you tell me in a whisper. And you got lost. I woke up more than I ever betrayed. But anyway my dream,  I will find the way that I can feel even through your words your breath caresses me again.
I wanted to believe in the dream and believed.........
I knew I was dreaming don’t you   think..


Edgar Allan Poe--A dream within a dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?


Time passed


Time passed much and a goodmorning  is not enough , a goodnight not enough , hello is small and a goodbye hurts . Games stories only with sorrow and life continues.

Different but eventually we both themselves and  i understand .And you understand.

The words do not make sense but sometimes soften the pain is wish and hurts less.

Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins

It's one of those books that makes you wonder what the author was smoking, so you have to be in the mood for the absurd when you read it. If you're never in that mood, beware, because, as Robbins says, "Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."


Small feelings

   I never had , nor will never , I suppose . And understood , and you stayed more.
  I needed to see your lips .
 I need your body near me . 
I think I am lost but I know next to you I am safe , 
And I'm talking about the worst thing I have in me , and strive to give you the best I have in me because you do not deserve anything less.  And to tell you the truth though deep down I do not want.
Is there a solution? Yes there is to express your even slightly unconditional , the endless and without beginning , MY LOVE FOR YOU .


............... I wanna......

"Would you hear my heart when its beating? Would you hear my heart when its gone?

To me your  love was always infinite, stolen moment at a time

I wanna find I wanna find I wanna find another daydream, another nightmare

When that night was over and the field was lit up bright and I walked home with you nothing I said came out right"

only our lonely love can devour us but when we are lonely, the same love empowers you

"I'm in my finest hour can I be more than just a fool? It always gets so hard to seem bright before the moon".when everybody's looking it's supposed to be a dream

new entry

- Esther Greenwood is at college and is fighting two battles, one against her own desire for perfection in all things - grades, boyfriend, looks, career - and the other against remorseless mental illness. As her depression deepens she finds herself encased in it, bell-jarred away from the rest of the world. This is the story of her journey back into reality. Highly readable, witty and disturbing, The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel and was originally published under a pseudonym in 1963. What it has to say about what women expect of themselves, and what society expects of women, is as sharply relevant today as it has always been.


 Did You Never Know?
~ Sarah Teasdale

Did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me --
That your love would never lessen and never go?
You were young then, proud and fresh-hearted,
You were too young to know.

Fate is a wind, and red leaves fly before it
Far apart, far away in the gusty time of year --
Seldom we meet now, but when I hear you speaking,
I know your secret, my dear, my dear.

I Crave Your Mouth - Pablo Neruda
 I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent, starving I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disquiets me,
I search the liquid sound of your steps all day. 
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
For your hands the color of the wild grain,
I hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your loveliness,
The nose, sovereign of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

And I walk hungry, smelling the twilight
Looking for you, for your hot heart,
Like a puma in the barren wilderness.


An old friend says to J.

When we are certain that we are out of a relation we should be out at once. It needs a lot of courage to tell someone you loved and aspired to marry that the relation is no more but once you said that there is no looking back, there is nothing to look for, absolutely nothing.
It’s a fraction of second in which a heart breaks but before that there is a whole saga attached as of how and why that person behaved that way in that particular moment. Sometimes we give unnecessary importance to the whole I am missing someone and/ I need someone… calls of our own heart.
Once you love someone and make him/her part of your life, you should be prepared to accept the person with all his/her negativity and shortcomings.
There are so many ways people try to recover from heart break… whatever is your way let that person never know that you bled nah! Never, it’s not about being strong or weak but just being mature. Cutting off all the communications is the only way. Cry if you want… scream if you wish but never let that guy know that you did that. The only way I know is forget about it or at least pretend it never happened. I would have changed my name if needed to overcome a heart break.
I have seen so many people in the mode of revenge after the heart break. One thing shouldn’t be forgotten that the pleasure of togetherness was equal so the pain would almost be equal… blame games only make the suffering permanent… here writers and bloggers are at risk they paint the gloom on the pages and try getting rid of the suffering but they don’t know that this way the suffering becomes permanent and the person go through similar pain every time he/she visits the pages it not only haunt the person involved but the peripherally related person.
You will never get to know, when someone is knocking your doors, if you are busy listening to old echoes.

Its spring my love its spring.

Could spring be ever stopped?
Spring has its own ways ...
To remind you
That you are alive
in my heart , in my mind.


my j.

I walked in the world to find you and I found you in my arms ...
We booked our bodies
in airy cages full of passion . we escape from the sadness of solitude and live  for no tommorow,
 Take with you a remembrance my old love
A beautiful and carefree
Take with you a hug
from  those endless nights desperately searches each other  mouth  steal the breath for a little common life


James Redfield ""The Celestine Prophecy'''


James Redfield masterpiece The Celestine Prophecy is first published in 1993. The story of this novel is built around philosophy and spirituality that come from various old Eastern Traditions and also the spiritualism of the New Age. Here the readers will follow the journey and the deciphering attempt of some ancient manuscript about spiritualism in Peru. One of the old Traditions discussed in this book is vegetarianism, how it gives a person an ability to create a connection with the Divine. The story goes as the main character progresses in the journey and also his spiritual life. During that processes, the main character, which is the narrator, slowly starts to see the existence of synchronicity and the bigger meaning behind coincidences happening in life. The novel has a fascinating story of adventure and discovery, of psychology and spiritualism and maybe even religion. Beyond all that, The Celestine Prophecy might have the role of a guidebook to mold your understandings of the reason you exist in his life, to lead you to a path with new optimism toward the coming days.


You are the Light. 
You are divine. 
You are in a state of becoming aware of what you already are. 
In your spiritual quest, look for love in all things



Never again

My love has left
She’s not coming back
I’ll never again  see her smile
as she looks me from  the windows.
We’ll never again
have long talks
at the pilows
no, not anymore.
Never again
to feel the smile
in her voice.
Never again
to feel the gentle touch
of her hand.
Never again will
we be outside in woods
the full moon up there
in the sky at night.
No, never again.


Allow me

     Apart from fear,

      Beyond any doubt,

       Beyond  the surprise,

        Beyond  the confusion.

         Allow me to discover you inside our dreams

THE NAME OF THE STAR by Maureen Johnson

The day Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives in London marks a memorable occasion. For Rory, it's the start of a new life at a London boarding school. But for many, this will be remembered as the day a series of brutal murders broke out across the city, gruesome crimes mimicking the horrific Jack the Ripper events of more than a century ago.

Soon “Rippermania” takes hold of modern-day London, and the police are left with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. Rory spotted the man police believe to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him. Even her roommate, who was walking with her at the time, didn't notice the mysterious man. So why can only Rory see him? And more urgently, why has Rory become his next target? In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, full of suspense, humor, and romance, Rory will learn the truth about the secret ghost police of London and discover her own shocking abilities.